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Helvetas blogs about "How communities take charge and change behaviors"

Since 2017, the Helvetas Behavior Change Manual mentions the RANAS approach as a key model to develop behavior change interventions. Particularly, projects on WASH - water, sanitation and hygiene - topics have successfully used the RANAS model to achieve lasting behavior change.

One such project is described based on an interview with the Helvetas Regional Technical Advisor for West Africa "about the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and the Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities, and Self-regulation (RANAS) approach".

Read the full article here on the Helvetas webpage:

© Helvetas.





Prof. Dr. phil. et dipl. zool.

Hans-Joachim Mosler

Bergheimstrasse 8

8032 Zurich


© 2020 RanasMOSLER

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